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Knitting Bag of Tricks by Patty Lyons

Ever wish you had an expert knitter at your side at all times? With Patty Lyons' new book Knitter's Bag of Tricks, you will!
20 in stock

The incredible Patty Lyons has turned her always-sold-out classes into a book, and we couldn't be happier! Instead of focusing on the "how" of knitting, this book gets into the "why" - which gives you the tools you need to solve your own problems, read your knitting and fix your mistakes - resulting in stress-free knitting and beautiful finished objects.

Reading Patty's book is like having an expert knitter at your side, sharing inside tips and tricks learned from years of exchanging skills and advice with other knitters, and her own experiments. The book even has a special lay-flat binding so you can keep your hands on your needles while you read. All of Patty's techniques and tips are illustrated with detailed step-by-step artworks for absolute clarity.

And, as you'd expect from a Patty Lyons book, there is a healthy scattering of humour and irreverence thoughout; you might take knitting seriously but you don't have to be serious while knitting!